Constitutional Order, RIP (1787-2025) There's not much point in accusing Republicans of hypocrisy because they treat it as a compliment and sign that they're headed in the right direction. But when conservative lawyers -- graduates of Ivy League law schools, including Vice President Couchfucker -- pretend that the separation of powers and checks and balances built into the core of the Constitution don't mean what they clearly mean, and have meant for almost 240 years, well, I don't think they get to call themselves strict constructionists any more. Their claim to being Americans is now limited to geography. This ground (and head) softening is in service of justifying the inevitable executive disregard for valid judicial orders. Extra-executive busy-body Elon Musk is already calling for the ouster of the judge who told him to maybe slow down a little with the government-breaking, like, maybe we should look to see if this is actually, y'know, legal or something. What happens when the executive branch simply ignores these orders and the Republican majorities in Congress cheer them on? When happens when the "leaders" of this country stop pretending they don't understand its founding documents and simply decide they don't matter anymore? Trump loves Andrew Jackson for his racism, but would undoubtedly agree with "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it" if he could read. The tree of liberty is looking pretty parched. ★