Code, nerd culture and humor from Greg Knauss.

My wife and I work out of the same office, and we bring our dog, Koda, in with us every day. My car doesn’t have upholstery so much as a thick, semi-permanent layer of dog hair all over the back seat.

Koda is very excited about going to work — significantly more than I am, probably because he gets to nap all day — and will charge out to the car as soon as Joanne and I are both wearing shoes and even feinting towards the door.

This is why we have a collection of videos of him being absolutely atrocious at limbo.

Hi there! My name's GREG KNAUSS and I like to make things.

Some of those things are software (like Romantimatic), Web sites (like the Webby-nominated Metababy and The American People) and stories (for Web sites like Suck and Fray, print magazines like Worth and Macworld, and books like "Things I Learned About My Dad" and "Rainy Day Fun and Games for Toddler and Total Bastard").

My e-mail address is I'd love to hear from you!

This site is powered by Movable Type. Spot graphics provided by Thomas, Michael and Peter Knauss.